Thursday, January 24, 2008

Fire Fodder (continued?)

Fire Fodder (continued?)
Originally uploaded by gaikokujinkyofusho.

I am almost positive I have a similarly titled photo somewhere on my blog but #1 I am too lazy and impatient to bother finding it on this ass slow connection (read 0-3KiB/s) and #2 I am pretty sure its not the same picture since I embed all my comments etc into the photo itself and this photo has no comment.

So, this seemingly boring picture was kind of interesting for me and a picture I saw from Kabul to Band-I Amir. The little piles you see are scrub, usually the scrub (twigs, weeds, etc) left behind after livestock have grazed the area, this is the stuff not even goats would eat. The left behind brush is collected into piles (like you see in the picture) and then I assume they come around with a donkey and load the animal up with the brush and ferry it back to the village. Many times I would see these piles in the middle of no where and in the evenings I would see Afghans who had gotten a fire started and were obviously settling down for the night meaning, to me, that they were too far to reasonably walk home and then walk back the next day. Wow.

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