Wednesday, January 16, 2008

China bans (ok, limits) plastic bags

I just noticed this article (thanks to my Technorati news feed) and it made me thing, especially the line saying "The ban on bags brings China in line with a growing international trend". I think something like this has been done in California (or maybe it was requiring that all bags sold must be plastic that is biodegradable or made from vegetable derived plastics, regardless it *would* be there) but that is about it, sad that the most powerful country in the world should lag so far behind on such issues.


Throughout the world plastic bags are everywhere I haven't been to a place that is poor enough (and I have been to some pretty poor countries) to *not* have plastic bags and most of the time they are just lying around on the ground. I will admit that I am not the best about not using plastic bags, if I just buy one or two items I always tell them "save tha bag, I don't need it" and I carry a messenger bag quite often so I put things into that as well but if I have more I usually take the bags they give me (even though I should probably do the crunchy thing and get a bag to carry around). The whole thing is a pity though, and a bit of an enigma, here (Afghanistan) there are people who rummage through trash to find food for their animals and paper/metal to sell to recyclers but free (yeah, it is most certainly built into the price) plastic bags are rampant.





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