Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Disembodied Pelts

Disembodied Pelts
Originally uploaded by gaikokujinkyofusho.

This is from my first evening in Bandi Amir and I think I was walking over to see the lakes at night. On the way over to the lakes we passed a “Kabob shack” (not sure if that was its official title but they were making kabobs there) and behind the shack were a bunch of fresh pelts lying in a pile so I had to take a picture (more about pelts in the next pelts picture which came a few days later).

1 comment:

Chris McClure aka Panhandle Poet said...

You have an interesting site. Although I suspect our political views differ somewhat, you might find my new blog of interest. It is called Common Sense Agriculture, Conservation and Energy. Stop by sometime and take a look. Oh, and this Aggie is from Texas.