Saturday, March 10, 2007

No hatred of trees

No hatred of trees
Originally uploaded by gaikokujinkyofusho.

One of the most unfortunate things I see in agriculture around the world is the wholesale destruction of forests. Kenya was no exception but I was amused to see that many fields had trees in them. No one offered an explanation for why they didn't chop down all the trees and they didn't think much of it. While at the tea factory I did see examples of forestry but that was the only place. Everywhere else I saw either scrub or fields in areas that I was fairly sure should have been forests.

In many developed countries the forests were originally decimated but now have come back (i.e. the forest coverage is not at historical lows for many developed countries [that’s not to say that logging is no longer an issue in these countries, in some cases it should be more of an issue because old growth areas are continuing to be cut when private land holders, who have land that has been logged before, could easily grow enough wood to meet demand])

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