Saturday, March 10, 2007

Coffee "plantation"

Coffee "plantation"
Originally uploaded by gaikokujinkyofusho.

Well its not exactly a “plantation” (I believe he said it was about 4 acres) but this guy (the chairman of the cooperative i was assigned to) was considered (locally) a pretty big coffee grower. He did have a (seemingly) organized setup and had the hill nicely terraced with little sign of erosion (and it had been raining cats and dogs for the past week).

I have to admit, i knew nothing about coffee (and still know little) but the politics and moral flexibility that is pervasive in the production and trade of coffee is appalling. I can't pretend to understand it all and i know that raw produce of course goes for a lot less than finished product but seeing a farmer get ~$.15/lb of coffee really makes one wonder (when i can pay as much as $5+ for a cup of coffee at a coffee shop).

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