Sunday, June 24, 2007

Afghan Compounds

Afghan Compounds
Originally uploaded by gaikokujinkyofusho.

I mainly took this photo because I thought it was a good example of many of the homes I saw on my trip. Most homes seem to be built like compounds, that is, a big wall surrounding a few houses and gardens. I would be curious to learn the original reason for this design (security, keeping the kids/livestock in/safe, or something else).

Here is also another good example of how pervasive wheat production is in Afghanistan. While I haven't been to all parts of the country I have heard (and seen) that bread is a staple of the afghan diet and wheat is a pretty hardy crop so I don't see why it wouldn't be grown in other areas as well. There is also row of what I think is corn, funny because I have hardly seen any corn food products and it doesn't seem that they feed corn to livestock (though I don't know that for sure).

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