Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Boxed, Bread Flavored, Tree Juice?

Boxed, Bread Flavored, Tree Juice?
Originally uploaded by gaikokujinkyofusho.

Earlier I posted my “Boxed Tree Juice” photo with the intention of posting my “Boxed, Bread Flavored, Tree Juice” photo later (later being now). Before I had found what amounted to a boxed birch tea drink in an Eastern European supermarket but recently I found a variation on that which to me is quintessentially Russian (I mean really, it doesn't get much more Russian than this) while I have observed many different cultures that are reliant on bread I have noticed that Russians are especially proud of their bread (one quote I remember from TV was someone asking a Russian man about Russian break and he said [translation] It is the best in the world… if only we could make our cars the same way); while it being the “best in the world” is debatable they are no doubt quite proud of it and eat it quite a bit (though in truth I have noticed in Azerbaijan and Afghanistan people are much more “bread dependent”, that is a meal without bread isn't a meal). Really, seeing bread flavored drink sounds funny but then I consider all the Kvas stands in eastern Europe that I see (and like) the idea of a bread flavored tree tea becomes less strange…

Friday, January 15, 2010

Strings Attached Aid at some of its worst

Being in Development sector I tend to see aid projects with strings attached, some times its not so bad but there are times when it seems really wrong, this would be one of those times. Christian organizations trying to convert people at a time of crisis, while they are vulnerable, is like trying to pick up chicks at abortion clinics because you know they promiscuous. Trying to push religion just seems wrong, Christianity and Islam seem particularly notorious for this, pushy that is; and seem to have little regard for the culture they are destroying in the process.

To all those out there trying to exchange aid for Jesus, please think about what you are doing; it gives "blind faith" a whole new meaning.