Boxed, Bread Flavored, Tree Juice?
Originally uploaded by gaikokujinkyofusho.
Earlier I posted my “Boxed Tree Juice” photo with the intention of posting my “Boxed, Bread Flavored, Tree Juice” photo later (later being now). Before I had found what amounted to a boxed birch tea drink in an Eastern European supermarket but recently I found a variation on that which to me is quintessentially Russian (I mean really, it doesn't get much more Russian than this) while I have observed many different cultures that are reliant on bread I have noticed that Russians are especially proud of their bread (one quote I remember from TV was someone asking a Russian man about Russian break and he said [translation] It is the best in the world… if only we could make our cars the same way); while it being the “best in the world” is debatable they are no doubt quite proud of it and eat it quite a bit (though in truth I have noticed in Azerbaijan and Afghanistan people are much more “bread dependent”, that is a meal without bread isn't a meal). Really, seeing bread flavored drink sounds funny but then I consider all the Kvas stands in eastern Europe that I see (and like) the idea of a bread flavored tree tea becomes less strange…