Originally uploaded by gaikokujinkyofusho.
My agricultural background, while fairly general, is a bit more geared towards livestock so I don?t have much background with horticulture/soil science/irrigation but despite that I hear about salinity every once in a while. When I hear there is high level of salinity in the water/soil of some place it usually conjures up a picture of the more finicky crops not being able to grow. Working in Azerbaijan my understanding of salinization has changed, mostly due to the fact that this is the worst case of salinization I have seen (now mind you, after doing some research I have heard of places that have it worse but for now I am just talking about places I have seen myself). In this photo the ground looks white, if it were the beach and this were sand that would be normal but it is not the beach it is an area that I pass through every once in a while called Imishli. The whiteness is salt (mineral deposits) that you can literally chip off. This is a camera phone photo so the quality is mediocre but if it were clearer you could see that it almost looks like a beach of salt. The primary occupation of rural Azerbaijan (this area is no exception) is agriculture and when I see those puny fields that are barely scraping by it does tend to make you feel sorry for those farmers.