Friday, June 12, 2009

Bizarre Morning

I woke up at about 6am this morning to the cold nose of Beanie (my dog). Somehow in my groggy semi-awake state it occurred to me that I had forgotten to let Beanie out last night to “do his business” and that his waking me up this morning was his way of giving me a choice, “you open the door and let me do it out there or I do it here”, not a hard choice so I got up.

As it was 6am in the morning and my yard is walled in etc I didn’t bother changing out of my boxers, I stumbled my way down the stairs, opened the door and Beanie started barking like crazy, was getting ready to scold him until I looked up to see a little middle aged man standing in my yard gorging on mulberries from my overly prolific mulberry tree. We blankly stared at each other for a second and then I said “salam” (hello here in Azerbaijan) he said hello back, then I wanted to ask him if he wanted mulberries in Russian but in my groggy state (helped by the fact that I don’t know how to say mulberry in Russian) I mumbled “hochish mulberries” well he got it and said “da” (yes) I just said ok (horasho), turned around, and went back inside. Surreal.

In retrospect I really didn’t mind all that much, the mulberry tree has beome a liability in that now I have a yard full of rotten mulberries which are caked on the soles of my shoes and getting tracked everywhere. Plus, there is the detail about his chickens, Beanie awhile back decided he wanted chicken and picked off about 2-3 of his chickens like popcorn… not a happy moment. So, I sent my driver over to pick a bowl of mulberries for the guy, tell him he can have as many as he wants and to be sure to close the gate.

We shall see.

Note: 2009/08/23

Well, yesterday was like a relapse. Beanie started barking like crazy, i look outside to see a family running around in my fenced in yard picking fruit. I went out and said they could take all they want but they had to close and lock the back gates (from where they were coming) but of course that evening when i went out to check the gate it was not locked at all offering my door opening canine the perfect opportunity to go KFC on thier poultry and then (probably) come back to me and complain how my dog is a menace... the best neighbors are not having any neighbors at all... sigh.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Dumb Ag Guy

Today i just finished a tough meeting with my staff and the staff of a survey organization that we contracted almost 8 months ago to do a survey. It has become a blame game and just about every issue we have with them is (apparently) either our fault or the fault of the people they surveyed. It was tough in that it was the hifalutin academic statistics gurus vs the "country bumpkin" field people (who just happen to work in the field and know that the data that was presented does not reflect observations in the field). They ran circles around us with all their numbers and procedures etc but in the end, the data just does not reflect what we see in the field... its kind of like we are race car drivers and we can just feel that something is wrong with the car but we can't say exactly what is wrong while we have the mechanics telling us everything is ok. At one point they told us the "numbers don't lie" which immediately brought to mind a quote from Mark Twain "There are lies, damn lies, and then there are statistics"... i am not sure they would have seen the humor in that quote though.