Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Bush’s unwitting friendliness towards foreigners

Bush is a shmoe, my own heavily bias opinion of course (as a NC Aggie, almost an oxymoron I realize). He cares little to nothing about what other countries think of him or the US, regardless of the consequences, but he is buddies with big business and in many ways that makes him a buddy with many foreign exporters. Because of this, in many cases he is for less regulation and protection against imports, while I really doubt we agree for the same reasons I do think that protectionism for most western countries is wrong, for more on the catfish refer to this article

Indeed, "the fate of Vietnamese catfish offers a warning to poorer nations short on leverage in the world trading system: beware of what may happen if you actually succeed at playing by the big boys' rules", said a New York Times editorial on July 22. Apparently Bush's apathy wasn't enough, the catfish farming lobby was enough to shut out the Vietnamese catfish; and yes, these Vietnamese ones are technically catfish. Saying cheese that came from France isn't cheese because it didn't come from an "American cow" (which in and of itself is a misnomer because almost all American milking cattle are of European ancestry)